

帕克 发布日期:2018年1月25日

行业观察人士预测,2018年将迎来一波更大的浪潮, 更快的闪存, hyperconverged基础设施, 以及软件定义的存储,以帮助管理涌入的数据

用来描述全球数据量增长的词语并不漂亮. 过载. 冲击. 甚至爆炸. IT leaders are feeling battered as their organizations collect more data than they know what to do with.

行业观察人士预测,2018年将迎来一波更大的浪潮, 更快的闪存, hyperconverged基础设施, 以及软件定义的存储,以帮助管理涌入的数据.

这些解决方案至关重要,但它们忽略了一个核心问题. 对于今天的许多企业来说,数据更像是一个成本中心,而不是一个收入来源.

大数据运动, increased video use and other data-driven business trends are pushing organizations to develop new and more advanced storage architectures. This leaves IT managers on the back of the strategic movement needing to create hardware strategies that support business goals without breaking the bank. 由此带来的挑战可能是压倒性的, but the right combination of sophisticated tactics and effective partnerships can help IT leaders deal with storage issues.


The first thing to do when developing these plans is to understand the scope of the challenges impacting the storage segment of the data center. 影响IT经理的五个关键存储问题包括.

1. 大数据

The analytics movement has become a pervasive IT trend and left many IT managers shaking their heads tat the rapid rise in both unstructured and structured data within facilities. 同时, IT teams need to deal with new information added to the analytics system all the time and a need to archive data once it has been used so that it is still accessible, 但不会占用高性能系统的空间. 大数据的容量和性能要求可能是惊人的, 使先进的战术对成功至关重要.

企业网络监控软件 能否帮助识别和缓解这些大数据挑战的痛点.

2. 增加闪光灯使用

Flash technologies are rising in part because they are becoming accessible and in part because big data is making their performance capabilities necessary. 许多专家同意,虽然闪存很昂贵, its ability to accelerate data workflows in big data plans makes them capable of delivering a huge return on investment. 虽然这种潜力是巨大的, IT团队不仅需要获得用于快速投资的资金, they must also be ready to support archiving to make sure data is prepared for long-term storage.

而闪存在长期存储方面具有不可思议的可行性, 它目前受到读写周期能力的限制. 在一般情况下, Flash解决方案只能处理大约10个,在性能和可靠性下降之前,需要进行000次读写循环, 使它们成为高性能项目的理想选择, 但不适合长期存档和类似的任务. 企业存储管理十大赌博正规老平台 是否可以缓解不断增长的存储需求带来的痛苦.

3. Video

Many businesses are implementing video strategies as part of a larger goal to engage with employees and 客户 in more meaningful ways. 而从终端用户的角度来看,视频提供了不可思议的潜力, 它也给it经理带来了噩梦. Storing video can be a huge challenge as the amount of data involved in the process is considerable. Codec technologies can ease this burden by enabling some videos to be stored in formats that are not as data-intensive, 但这样的策略可能很难实施.

4. 遗留系统

The rapid rise in storage demands across the entire IT sector makes using legacy systems incredibly important for many organizations. Reliable storage systems that meet specific needs or handle different workflows particularly well can be incredibly valuable for IT teams. 玩得开心 第三方硬件维护 plan in place can be particularly valuable in this area because the access to rapid repairs, effective contact center models and refurbished parts can position IT managers to support legacy storage systems without risk. 学习如何 存储硬件维护 能帮你节省30-40%吗. 今天的OEM!

5. 数据保护

虽然容量和性能的挑战在存储领域占据主导地位, IT managers have a constant need to prevent data loss and protect data from theft. Third-party hardware maintenance plans can pay off in this area as well as vendors can help with processes like secure hard  disk disposal and data recovery from damaged components.

IT经理正面临着惊人的存储挑战, but the combination of advanced strategies and good partnerships can go a long way toward enabling IT leaders to keep pace with changing storage requirements.


对该频道来说,好消息是存储很热门. 在 信息周 2018 基础设施状况研究, storage beat out even cloud services as a top factor driving IT infrastructure change. 另外, 62%的人表示,他们的数据量每年增长10%以上, while few (7%) reported hosting the bulk of their storage (75% or more) in the cloud.

结论是,企业和中小企业有更多的数据需要托管, 他们需要新的硬件来实现这一目标.

然而,真正的新闻不是产能,而是预期的转变. Traditionally, storage was primarily about archiving, compliance, and disaster recovery. 随着大数据分析和机器学习的兴起, 数据已具有战略价值, 哪些规模各异的企业有意榨取其富有洞察力的汁液. This trend is pushing 客户 to prioritize storage performance to a degree not common in the past.

因此,我们发现,例如,“统一存储”正在失去一些光彩. The Jack of All Trades approach doesn’t permit the storage software necessary to excel in each use case. 这使得越来越多的供应商开始为block提供专门的产品, 文件, 对象存储.

Among the types of products most likely to meet 客户’ needs today and tomorrow are:

  • 所有的flash数组
    安装了固态硬盘的人都不会后悔这个决定, 而且有充分的理由相信材料短缺正在缓解. 成本将再次开始下降, leaving few barriers to installing Flash for performance and OPEX savings reasons. 令人印象深刻的每秒10gb的传输速率将成为标准. 相关的结果, 对混合阵列的兴趣将会下降, 因为几乎没有令人信服的理由支持将hdd系统复杂化.
  • 包含NVMe ssd的存储空间
    These low-latency interfaces add about 10% to the purchase price of a storage system but deliver two to three times the performance and about half the latency, 所以顾客们已经准备好了. 话虽如此, NVMe也可能出现在大多数产品阵容中, 因此,它不会成为一个重要的品牌差异化因素.
  • 超融合基础设施(HCI)
    IDC预测了HCI市场 将增长到近50亿美元 next year; that’s up from $2 billion in 2016. The software-centric approach and almost Lego-like scaling is a good fit for many data centers. HCI与所有Flash是一个明显的选择.
  • 存储类内存(SCM)
    Support for SCM was included in Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and most Linux kernals, 所以世界已经准备好了. But price point compared to Flash (SCM lines up better against Flash than DRAM) may keep a lid on demand for now. 然而, 10倍的读/写速度比Flash, 更高的IOPS, 类似的吞吐量, and granular data access at the bit or word level will tempt some enterprises in this direction. SCM may be more of a 2019-and-beyond concern, but the channel should begin preparing now.
  • 具有云内等同产品的产品
    HPE Cloud Volumes和IBM Spectrum Virtualize只是两个例子. Arrays are more often coming packaged with cloud equivalents for replication or failover.

大多数产品对企业具有吸引力, 至少, 是否需要启用软件定义存储, which will increasingly be delivered in containers to provide for flexible programmable infrastructures. 迅速崛起, machine learning will facilitate new storage management processes to optimize workload services.

Manufacturer-wise, Dell-EMC, HPE, IBM, 和NetApp仍有一席之地, 但All Flash为新进入者打开了大门, 比如纯存储, 而HCI正在推动Nutanix等公司的销量上升.

